ShedSafe Accreditation

ShedSafe Accreditation_Sheds Shade and Turf

ShedSafe Accreditation

Following some significant weather events in Australia in the past decade, storms have destroyed sheds and other structures.  Tests done on structures that failed found that many where not designed according to the Building Code of Australia. They did not withstand the regional wind speeds that the Building Code of Australia requires.

The Australian Steel Institute produced a Design Guide for Cold Formed Portal Frame Sheds.  The ShedSafe accreditation programme uses the Design Guide and the Building Code of Australia as reference for the third-party review process.

ShedSafe accreditation is your assurance as a buyer that ShedSafe accredited shed sellers will supply you with a shed using accredited engineering and will recommend a specification suitable for your site.

Totalspan Australia the manufacturer of the steel buildings and sheds that we sell are ShedSafe Accredited.  We as sellers at Sheds Shade and Turf Pty Ltd are ShedSafe Accredited.  To comply with the Code we must consider a range of site-factors.  These site-factors influence the maximum wind speed that your shed must withstand.

The site factors are:

  • the region it is built in and the risk of severe weather events like cyclones
  • the surrounding terrain and topography
  • any nearby shielding by other buildings
  • the final use and purpose of the shed
  • the model of shed you’re after, including any alterations and additions

As a ShedSafe accredited seller we consider all these site factors and will design this into your quotation.


Totalspan Canberra is a local company and is proud of the reputation we uphold in our region.